Ms Perdie's Dirty Details...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My weird quirks....

People have things they do and don't like to do. I thought I'd share some of my ways, and see if people feel the same way.

1. I HATE for a shower curtain to be open, especially if you have a really nice shower curtain. Why don't you keep it closed to show it off?

2. I can't mix certain foods on a plate. Like my pancakes have to be on a separate plate from my eggs, because I don't like syrup on my eggs. And I can't have collard green juice mixing with yam juice, YUK!

3. I hate to do dishes, but I hate to go in the kitchen when there's a lot of dishes. Don't like the mess (go figure).

4. I hate when people add an extra ed at the end of words (lookeded, likeded). I have been known to snap and call somebody illiterate for that. I know, that's bad.

5. I hate a man to put his foot ANYWHERE on me. He could have the prettiest toes in the world, just don't bring them close to me.

6. I hate the hard lotion balls that form when the lotion has been sitting. I can't even touch it to get it off. Have to wipe it with a tissue.

7. I like bananas, and strawberries, but don't like the artificial flavors of the two. So, I don't eat banana pudding, or anything flavored strawberry. I hate watermelon, but love watermelon jolly ranchers. Go figure!

8. I have a bad habit of smelling things, especially when I don't know what it is. One time, I smelled some cookies and cream pudding stuff in the supermarket, and this lady looked at me like I sticked my tongue in it. LOL!

9. I hate to see a dresser drawer open. I can deal with clothes on the floor, on the bed, whatever, but I can't stand to see a drawer open. I can't stand to see it cracked with a piece of clothing sticking out of it.

10. I can't stand to see or hear someone blow there nose at a dinner table. That is just disgusting. Go to the bathroom, blow your nose in the stall, and wash your damn hands, you little NASTY!

11. I can't stand for anything to be thrown over the shower curtain rod. That's what they make towel bars for.

OK, I think I've bugged ya'll out enough. Fell free to leave me some of your quirks.


  • At 9:12 PM, Blogger Meadow said…

    Wow. I think that is the most interesting list of quirks I've ever read. I can't beat that. I got nothing ...

    except I hate to see leaves on the ground or tree barks that aren't perfectly smooth and straight (which is none of them). But I have issues with plants.

    That sounds crazy, doesn't it? lol!

  • At 9:18 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said…

    I am the same way with dresser drawers. I also can't deal with the closet door open. Oh, and mini blinds that are all fucked up. I go ape shit with that.

  • At 9:48 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    thats a cool list. and i agree with a lot of them, especially the blow your nose at the table-ewwww

  • At 10:59 PM, Blogger MsPerdie said…

    Goddess, LOL!!!!! Plants. Too funny!

    SFG - Yeah, I can't stand the mini blind thing either.

    Blog - LOL!

  • At 11:55 PM, Blogger Joanne said…

    This is hilarious to me, but even more hilarious is how many of them I share! Well, in numerical order there's #1 (Especially when they know their tub is nasty. EWWW), #4, definitely #5 (I think male feet in general are kinda icky. Sexist? Maybe, I don't care.), let's see what else? OHHHH, #6 is one for me too! I can't touch that thingy with my fingers it's too gross to me, how bizarre! :-) #9 bugs me too, but maybe my top pet peeve is when people chew loudly and/or with their mouth open when eating. Don't know if you were reading my blog back then, but I posted about it. That drives me totally insane!
    Whew, thanks, I feel better now! LOL!
    Love the post, as usual!

  • At 11:04 AM, Blogger Jerrster said…

    hmmm...quite a bit about showers in that list ms.perdie...showers don't bother me....but...if you get your hands muddy and let them dry with the mud still on them and handle a newspaper with those dry muddy hands....god, I just got the shivers.....yikes!

  • At 11:30 AM, Blogger Shari said…

    Haha! Good list! I have to keep the shower curtain open a bit, so when I go in the bathroom I know a killer isn't hiding in there....I guess that would be one of my quirks! :)

    Oops, I have really bad manners too. :( I blow my nose at the table AND throw the towel over the curtain rod.

  • At 6:46 AM, Blogger Danielle said…

    whas cracken mama!!!! these were know i got me a long damn list of quirks!!! hahahah!! have a crunk weekend :)

  • At 3:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmm, I also hate mixing foods (especially fruit--there are a ton of fruit dishes I won't eat, dairy is one of the only things I'll let it be with), and I have the same thing with the bananas and watermelon (I even really like that exact candy). -The Fox

  • At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Haha. Kinda off things on there and in the comments but I have plenty of my own.

    The thing about the shower curtain is totally opposite with me. I don't like my closed and if it is or if I go in someone else's bathroom and it's closed I have to look behind it first. I dunno.


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